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Charlie and the Pickleball Factory

Charlie Bradford (Photo: Tim Pitts)

If asked to name an individual who, after the court sports professionals, has had the most influence on Landings Club pickleball, many people would say it is Charlie Bradford. Charlie and his wife Reggie started playing pickleball soon after they moved to The Landings six years ago. It didn’t take long for Charlie, a single digit golfer, to shift his love of golf to a passion for pickleball. He quickly got involved by heading the Club pickleball subcommittee and soon, sensing an opportunity to promote competitive play, approached Chris Kader with an idea.

Before coming to The Landings, Charlie was president of a liquor distribution company. Adept at spotting opportunities, Charlie saw that our pickleball program hadn’t yet created a platform for players who wanted to forgo the many social aspects of the game to focus on improving their skills and engaging in heads-up competition. He and Chris Kader joined forces to consider options. The result was the birth of The Landings Pickleball Association (LPA).

Modeled in part after the LMGA (Men’s Golf Assoc.), the primary goal of the LPA was to create a competitive organization for the players seeking highly competitive matches and improve their game within a community of likeminded picklers. The purpose was not to replace the courts sports organization, but rather to augment the excellent work it already does. The LPA has quickly accomplished what it set out to do.

Chet Porter and Charlie Bradford (Photo: Tim Pitts)

Coincidently, the LPA was created at about the same time the DUPR rating system was introduced to pickleball. The LPA league, not to be confused with the court sports league, plays two six-week tournaments a year. By utilizing the DUPR rating system, players are assured that they will be competing against those with similar ratings. This is not to say that the courts sports league is not excellent, it is. But the blending of skill levels does not suit all players at The Landings.

The LPA was formally launched last February. The first league tournament was played in the spring, the second begins in two weeks. Between league tournaments, the LPA features a ladder format. This is where players can hone their skills, create an accurate DUPR rating, and move ratings up or down depending on their win-loss records.

It is important to note that it is not imperative to have a DUPR rating to join the LPA, but one must have the rating in order to compete in the league. It is easy enough to get one. All you have to do is play twenty games and post your scores to DUPR. You will then be given an accurate rating. Ratings can rise and fall depending on performance, but importantly, with accurate ratings one can compete against others of similar skill levels.

If you want to learn more about the LPA, or are interested in joining, go to the LPA website,, or look for Charlie Bradford at the courts.

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